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Computer science empowers students to create the world of tomorrow!
— Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

APP-IN CLUB 学生领袖计划出炉啦!


APP-IN CLUB 学生领袖计划旨在培养孩子们服务他人,领导团队,完成项目的能力。孩子们可以加入俱乐部的某个部门担任officer & leader,也可以直接挑大梁,通过认证后做一个branch的president (每个独立的branch要求至少有5名学生成员组成,能独立开展活动,招募新会员)。




App-In Club 青年APP创新俱乐部,Let's app-in together! 这里是一群追求创新追求通过计算机编程技术来改变世界的年轻人,如果你也愿意学习计算机编程,MIT APP应用发明家,学习创新思维,愿意通过知识和技术来帮助更多人,改变世界,加入我们,我们一起学习,分享,创建APP,并从帮助改变我们身边的社区开始!现在就加入我们的DISCORD社群,参加我们的会议和活动,我们鼓励每一位会员成为未来的创建者和领导者,你可以在当地组建你自己的社群,服务帮助你的社区,你的能量也可以改变世界!


App-In together, App-In for Good!

App-In Club is inspired by youth app inventors and coders. It incorporates inquiry-based learning that sparks imagination & curiosity, unlock creativity. In the club, you can learn how to create your own impactful apps aimed at real world; You can share your idea and technology skills with others; You can create your apps to solve local issues such as healthcare, transportation and disaster relief to improve the world. We envision everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society through App Inventor!

App-in Together, App-for Good!

Coding is today’s language of creativity. All of our children deserve a chance to become creators in steady of consumers of computer science.
— Maria Klawe, president of Harvey Mudd College

The iHELP app is an all-in-one app designed for safe cities of the future. The app includes an alert/assist system, community, and tracker all in one app. It has a navigation map that tracks people/animals that need help and an alert system that notifies people nearby. Its user management capability helps build a mutual assistance network that allows people give/receive assistance to/from each other.

On February 24th, 2022, Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Over 4 million people have fled into neighboring and other countries. Refugees desperately need help with food, water, shelter, supplies, clothing, transportation, language and financial support, etc.. Many citizens in the countries that the Ukrainian refugees have fled to are able and willing to help and provide aid, but with slow and inefficient methods. Our “Help Ukraine” app will connect people in need of help with those who can help with more efficiency, convenience and service.

September 23
